Arcade Germany
Country Germany
The top 15
1 Testarcade
2017-02-11 / 23:44:20
269,400 JJK
2 Arcade-City-West
2023-12-02 / 19:55:54
130,330 Jochen Hippel
3 Arcade-City-West
2023-12-02 / 20:09:30
120,270 KIM
4 Arcade-City-West
2023-12-02 / 20:20:29
103,700 Anunaki
5 Arcade-City-West
2017-12-29 / 18:42:47
46,530 Frank Kobben
6 Jochen Hippel's Arcade
2016-10-30 / 22:45:48
33,480 Jochen Hippel
7 Arcade-City-West
2023-12-02 / 21:11:12
8 Kirk and Luigi
2017-03-12 / 11:20:04
9 Arcade-City-West
2018-03-03 / 18:56:16
17,500 Dirk Peters
10 Arcade-City-West
2017-12-29 / 18:33:15
11,980 Nicolas Kobben
11 Kirk and Luigi
2019-05-04 / 12:58:33
10,640 AAA
12 Testarcade
2017-03-05 / 18:41:51
9,220 HSS
13 Kirk and Luigi
2019-05-04 / 13:08:20
9,090 IRS
14 Jochen Hippel's Arcade
2016-12-11 / 15:33:06
5,960 Olivia Hippel
15 Arcade-City-West
2024-02-08 / 17:28:06
2,520 DEE